2016. This polygon shapefile layer represents the police precinct boundaries for the City of New York, clipped to the shoreline. This file was generated ... New York (City). Department of City Planning.
Search Results
2016. This polygon shapefile layer represents the 2010 NYC Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMAs). PUMAs are statistical geographic areas defined for the dis... New York (City). Department of City Planning.
2016. This polygon shapefile layer represents the school district boundaries for the City of New York, clipped to the shoreline. This file was generated ... New York (City). Department of City Planning.
2016. This polygon shapefile layer represents the New York State Assembly District boundaries for the City of New York. These district boundaries represe... New York (City). Department of City Planning.
2016. This polygon shapefile layer represents the New York State Assembly District boundaries for the City of New York, with water included. These distri... New York (City). Department of City Planning.
2016. This polygon shapefile layer represents the State Senate District boundaries for the City of New York, clipped to the shoreline. These district bou... New York (City). Department of City Planning.
2016. This polygon shapefile layer represents the State Senate Districts boundaries for the City of New York, with water included. These district boundar... New York (City). Department of City Planning.
2016. This polygon shapefile represents the boundaries zones for taxi pickups as delimited by the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC). Thes... New York (N.Y.). Taxi and Limousine Commission.
2016. This polygon shapefile layer represents Transit Zone boundaries. Transit Zone boundaries are mapped to encompass neighborhoods that are dense, prox... New York (City). Department of City Planning.
2016. This polygon shapefile layer represents the U.S. Congressional Districts boundaries for the City of New York, clipped to the shoreline. These distr... New York (City). Department of City Planning.
2016. This polygon shapefile layer represents the U.S. Congressional Districts boundaries for the City of New York, with water included. These district b... New York (City). Department of City Planning.
2016. This polygon shapefile layer is the representation of New York City’s Coastal Zone Boundary as defined by the WRP. The Coastal Zone Boundary define... New York (City). Department of City Planning.
2016. This polygon shapefile layer contains features representing the within-tax-block limits for commercial overlay districts, as shown on the DCP zonin... New York (City). Department of City Planning.
2016. GIS Lab, Newman Library, Baruch CUNY. The NYC Geodatabase (nyc_gdb) is a resource designed for basic geographic analysis and thematic mapping within the five boroughs of New York City. ... Newman Library (Bernard M. Baruch College).
2016. GIS Lab, Newman Library, Baruch CUNY. The NYC Geodatabase (nyc_gdb) is a resource designed for basic geographic analysis and thematic mapping within the five boroughs of New York City. ... Newman Library (Bernard M. Baruch College).
2016. This polygon shapefile layer contains features representing the Limited Height Districts. The main district designation is indicated in the LHNAME ... New York (City). Department of City Planning.
2016. This polygon feature class represents only the internal subdistricts of any special purpose districts that are so subdivided. The main special purp... New York (City). Department of City Planning.
2016. This polygon shapefile layer features the Special Purpose Districts and their associated sub-districts. The main district designation is indicated ... New York (City). Department of City Planning.
2016. This polygon shapefile layer represents NYC zoning districts. These features are continuous over the entire city. They extend to the city limits on... New York (City). Department of City Planning.
2016. This polygon shapefile layer represents the boundaries for all rezonings adopted since January 1, 2002 (STATUS = "Adopted") and current proposed re... New York (City). Department of City Planning.