2018. This point shapefile represents museum locations in the United Arab Emirates. This data was originally collected and hosted by the United Arab Emir... United Arab Emirates Ministry of Climate Change and Environment.
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2018. This point shapefile represents natural sites in the United Arab Emirates. The data table is in Arabic and includes information about when the loca... United Arab Emirates Ministry of Climate Change and Environment.
33. Number of Farms and Total Area of All Farms in Each Emirate of the United Arab Emirates, 2005-2015
2015. This polygon shapefile represents the number of farms and total farm area by Dounum (1 Dounum = 1,000 square meters) in each of the seven emirates ... United Arab Emirates Government.
34. Number of Sheep, Goats, Cattles, and Camels in Each Emirate of the United Arab Emirates, 2012-2015
2015. This polygon shapefile represents the number of sheep, goats, cattles, and camels in each of the seven emirates of the United Arab Emirates for 201... United Arab Emirates Government.
2018. This point shapefile represents on and off-shore fish farm locations in the United Arab Emirates. This data was originally collected and hosted by ... United Arab Emirates Ministry of Climate Change and Environment.
2018. This point shapefile represents organic farm locations in the United Arab Emirates. The data includes information about the area and harvest yields... United Arab Emirates Ministry of Climate Change and Environment.
2018. This polygon shapefile represents areas in the United Arab Emirates made up of pure stands of palm trees. This data was originally collected and ho... United Arab Emirates Ministry of Climate Change and Environment.
2018. This polygon shapefile represents plant production for each emirate of the United Arab Emirates. This data was originally collected and hosted by t... United Arab Emirates Ministry of Climate Change and Environment.
2018. This polygon shapefile represents planted areas in the United Arab Emirates. This dataset includes both forests, private areas, and planted areas a... United Arab Emirates Ministry of Climate Change and Environment.
2018. This polygon shapefile represents protected land and sea areas in the United Arab Emirates. This data was originally collected and hosted by the Un... United Arab Emirates Ministry of Climate Change and Environment.